Why you should be managing your inventory


Thanks to today’s highly sophisticated logistics systems, it is easier than ever for small motorcycle and scooter dealers to obtain the parts and materials that they need to get the job done. Furthermore, through accurate inventory management systems, most (if not all) businesses can cut costs, save valuable time, and drastically improve their cash flow.

The pitfalls of doing it the good old fashioned way

When you are operating a small to medium sized motorcycle or scooter dealership that you have grown from the ground up, it is easy to be tempted to continue managing stock in the old fashioned way. Whether that means taking a quick look on the shelf or keeping pen and ink inventories, rest assured that you will be burning up valuable time and restricting the cash flow of your business.

The chances are that you will also be spending a great deal of time sourcing parts for jobs whilst those already on the shelves will stay there collecting dust. This state of affairs will only serve to clog up your workshop with unused parts which will, in turn, slows down your cash flow and could upset a few of your customers along the way too.

Holding onto your money

When you install a DMS, you won’t ever have to run out of stock again, your workshop will run much smoother and your cash flow will too. Whatever size of turnover or bottom line profit your business achieves, it will all amount to nothing if you become starved for cash!

If you want to know how much of the money you have sitting in parts on the shelf is being properly utilised or how much profit those parts are making, you can do it at the push of a button using a dealer management system.

The practical benefits of DMS inventory management

Through automated stock control and timely “low stock” alerts, DMS inventory management is set to make the business owner’s life a lot easier and far less stressful.  From instant stock reporting and accounting package integration to ease of access and usability, a DMS provides them all, and you won’t ever have to shut the shop again to carry out a full stock take. Doesn’t that sound like a relief?

It’s all about cash flow

For small businesses (and the bigger ones too), cash flow is vital to their survival and growth. Without careful monitoring and innovative use of the cash in your operation, you run the dangerous and real risk of becoming cash starved.

Whilst it may be tempting to carry on running your business the way that you always have, your competitors may already be benefiting from DMS inventory management. So, why aren’t you?

Considering the relatively inexpensive cost of a good quality DMS, it represents a solid investment for any small to medium sized motorcycle or scooter dealership that is interested in saving time, enhancing productivity, and improving their cash flow.

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